Answers to Common Questions We Hear From Egg Donors

If you are considering becoming an Egg Donor, you may have many questions about egg donation, its risks and complications, or how Donors qualify. Here are some answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our Egg Donor candidates at Egg Donor America.
How many times can someone donate their eggs?
There are limits on the number of times a person can donate their eggs; at Egg Donor America, we follow the American Society for Reproductive Medicine's recommendations on how many times you can donate your eggs. That number is, at most, six times. We are happy to have repeat Donors, provided everything goes smoothly with their first donation cycle.
What is the best age to donate your eggs?
The age limit for donating your eggs varies, but usually between 18 and early 30s. Younger Egg Donors are more likely to produce a higher quantity and quality of eggs (i.e., ovarian reserve). At Egg Donor America, our age requirement is 21 to 31.
Is egg donation hard on your body?
The egg donation process is generally considered safe but involves medications and procedures that can result in mild physical and emotional side effects; these are typically temporary in most cases. Side effects can include:
- Bloating
- Mood swings
- Cramping
- Spotting
- Mild discomfort
These side effects usually resolve within a few days after the medical procedures.
The primary risk is a rare condition called ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome {OHSS}, which is when the ovaries swell and retain fluid as an excessive reaction to hormonal stimulation. However, the doctor you work with will provide careful monitoring to help ensure you don’t develop this condition. Symptoms of OHSS include weight gain and extreme bloating.
Learn more about the risks of egg donation here.
Do Egg Donors have normal fertility levels after the egg donation process?
Egg donation does not affect your ability to have biological children in the future. By puberty, a person with a healthy fertility level generally has a pool of approximately 400,000 ovarian follicles, which are small fluid-filled sacs that contain eggs before maturation. Only 400 of these are estimated to reach maturity and undergo ovulation, the rest simply get reabsorbed into the body. As such, the average person with ovaries ends up losing about 399,000 unused eggs. However, ovarian stimulation causes some of these extra eggs to develop in a single cycle, rather than being reabsorbed into the body. Therefore, egg donation doesn’t deplete the ovarian follicle pool.
Why does BMI matter for Egg Donors?
BMI measures body fat based on a person’s height and weight ratio. A person’s BMI indicates whether they are average weight, overweight, underweight, or obese. Having a healthy BMI range translates to overall better health.
Maintaining a healthy BMI is essential for reproductive health for several reasons, including:
- Underweight and overweight conditions can adversely affect the menstrual cycle, hormonal balance, and overall fertility.
- BMI can impact the quality and quantity of eggs.
- Egg donation involves ovarian stimulation using hormones to produce multiple eggs; an abnormal BMI can result in a poor response to these medications.
- An abnormal BMI range can contribute to a lower success rate during the egg donation process.
At Egg Donor America, our Donors must have a BMI between 19 to 29. You can calculate your own BMI here.
For More Questions
You may have many more questions about egg donation, whether you qualify, or how to begin the qualification process. Contact us today at Egg Donor America in Annandale, VA. We are happy to answer any other questions you may have or point you in the right direction to get started today.