
Egg Donor Compensation: What Factors Affect Payment?

Becoming an egg donor may feel complex and challenging to navigate, but the journey is rewarding, and donors can expect generous compensation for their time and effort. Certain factors can impact compensation, such as specific physical attributes and educational background. Compensation may play a role in someone’s decision to become an egg donor, but it typically isn’t the most important factor.

Donor Characteristics and Egg Donor Compensation

Some egg donor characteristics may affect payment. For example, if an egg donor is undergoing or has completed a form of higher education, they are subject to more compensation. Other desirable traits, such as specific eye colors, height, a good BM, and overall health, can impact donor payment. The more in demand your characteristics are, the higher payment you’ll likely receive.

Ethical Considerations of Egg Donor Compensation

Egg donor compensation is justified on ethical grounds, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). There are certain rules in place so that egg donors are paid fairly, such as:

  • Compensation should acknowledge the donor’s time, inconvenience, and discomfort associated with screening, ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, and postretrieval recovery.
  • Payment shouldn't vary according to the planned use of the eggs or the number or quality of eggs retrieved.
  • Compensation shouldn't be an undue enticement that negatively impacts a donor’s ability to make an informed decision about donating.
  • Benefits of Donating Eggs

    Becoming an egg donor is an enriching experience. While compensation is well-deserved and nice to receive, many egg donors find that giving the gift of a child to a family in need is the most rewarding part of egg donation. Additionally, the egg donation process, including medical testing, is free for the donor and can give insights into their health and future fertility.

Learn More About Egg Donation and Compensation

Egg donation is a rewarding process. In addition to compensation for their time and effort, donors provide an incredible gift to families in need. At Egg Donor America and Egg Bank America, we’re here to answer your questions and help guide you along this incredible journey. Contact us today for more information.