Three Fears That Hold Intended Parents Back From Egg Donation

Although egg donation is an increasingly popular form of assisted reproduction, the concept still suffers from cultural and social stigmas, many of which obscure the actual reality of the process. Unfortunately, these misconceptions sometimes intimidate Intended Parents and prevent them from fully exploring egg donation as an option.
Fear #1: Will I Be Able to Bond With My Baby?
People sometimes worry that they will be unable to bond with a Donor egg baby because of a lack of genetic connection. While it is possible, it’s important to realize that the bond between parent and child is often formed by something deeper than DNA.
Even if it does take a little while for you to fully bond with your baby, that’s totally normal. Not everyone bonds with their child in the same way or time frame – not even parents who are genetically related to their child.
Fear #2: Has the Donor Been Thoroughly Screened Prior to the Donation Cycle?
Relying on third-party reproductive methods can leave Intended Parents feeling particularly vulnerable. It can be easy to distrust the process and worry that Donors aren’t being properly screened prior to the donation cycle.
However, there is no reason to fear this. Egg Donor agencies and clinics in the U.S. are required by federal law to comply with strict regulations on the Donor screening process, so you can rest easy knowing that your Egg Donor team is being held to a set of rigorous protocols. If you’re still worried, ease your concerns by working with an experienced and accredited Donor agency that partners only with clinics that go the extra mile during the screening process.
Fear #3: Does the Donor Understand Her Role in the Process?
A common myth about Egg Donors is that Donors are naive young women who are motivated only by money and don’t really understand the emotional ramifications or medical risks of the process.
While it’s true that many Egg Donor candidates are between the ages of 21 and 31, this is because that’s the ideal age range in terms of fertility. And while it’s also true that Egg Donors are monetarily compensated, it’s rare for someone to go through the extensive process just for the money. The vast majority of Egg Donors are strongly motivated by a desire to help people create families, and they understand that they are giving the gift of life.
Additionally, establishing an Egg Donor’s motivations and her understanding of the process, and providing education about potential risks, are actually important components of the screening procedure.
Learn More
Although using an Egg Donor can cause feelings of anxiety, many of these fears are based on misconceptions about how egg donation works. Egg Donor agencies and clinics want to make sure that all those involved, including babies, Intended Parents, and Donors, have a safe and rewarding experience. To learn more about the process and address any concerns you may have, please contact Egg Donor America for a consultation.